Game Statistics[]
- Game Mode: The current game mode of the world, followed by the current environment behavior (Living, Static)
- Terrain Type: The terrain type that was chosen before creating the world.
- World Seed: The world seed of the world. If the seed was randomized, then it displays as "(None)"
- Sea Level: The global sea level of the world.
- Temperature: The temperature that was chosen before creating the world.
- Humidity: The humidity of the world.
- Biome Size: The world biome size.
- Length of Year: The length of the year that was chosen before creating the current world.
- Season: The current season.
- Furniture Designs in use: How many furniture designs exist in the world. You can have up to 1024 furniture.
- World created in version: What version the current world was created in. Older worlds need to be updated.
Player Statistics[]
- Name: The name of the selected player.
- Sex: The sex ("gender") of the player (Male, Female).
- First spawned: How many days since the player spawned in the world.
- Stayed alive: How many days since the player died.
- Highest level attained: The highest level the played attained since spawned.
- Location (Only in Creative mode) The location of the player.
Combat Statistics[]