The project.xml file is created by the game and holds all the data for the world that is not included as terrain. It is in xml format and can be read and modified using many different tools, such as a text editor.
This file holds data specific to the world, not to the game itself. For instance, it holds the design of any furnitures used in the world. Any other furniture imported into the game's "content" but not added in the world will NOT be included in the project file.
The actual .xml file has a lot of 'formatting' needed for the computer to read it. All that 'extra' formatting has been removed in the samples shown in this article.
Opening the world file
To edit the project.xml file, you need to be able to do 3 things.
First you must be able to locate the world file. This is the worldname.scworld file that the world is saved as. It is just a 'zip' collection of several files the game creates for the world. This is found inside the folder Survivalcraft makes for itself.
Second you must be able to extract the project file from inside the world file, and then replace the file with the modified version. Many file browsers let you extract the file without 'unzipping' the entire .scworld file.
Third you have to be able to edit the project file. This only requires a basic text editor. A basic editor may be better than a full-featured one because the file MUST be saved as a text-only file. It cannot be in rtf, doc, or any other format.
Opening it in Android
If you are android user, you can easily edit the project.xml with your device. There are several apps that will be helpful. The first is a file browser that lets you open zip files. A good one is X-Plore and another is called File Manager made by Cheetah Mobile.
if the recommended file manager is not used, your file manager will probably not be able to repack a 2.3 world, You can still try.
- Upload the world that you want to edit to sd card.
- Open the file browser and navigate to "Android" > "data" > "com.candyrufusgames.survivalcraft2" > "files", in the internal memory. It's usually at the top of the file tree.
- There will be the list of all worlds you had uploaded to SD.
- Select the file you just saved (the most recent one) then change the extension to ".zip".
- Open the zip file (You can open it without unzipping it if you use the recommended apps). You will see at least three files: Chunks.dat, Project.bak, Project.xml. the Chunks.dat contains the data about chunks (duh). The Project.bak file is a backup for the Project.xml file.
- EDIT THE "Project.xml" FILE.
- You should copy this file to another location while editing it.
- Use a text editor to make the changes. Be sure to resave it in plain text format.
- When finished, copy the file back into the original 'zip' file.
- Change the world file's extention back to ".scworld".
Opening it in Windows
Opening it in a desktop or mobile Windows machine is very similar to using android. The process is the same, only the location of the world files are different.
Two users report that this is the common location for the world files: %USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages\20961CandyRufusGames.Survivalcraft2_(some letters and/or numerals)\LocalState\Worlds\World(number or nothing, if it's the first world).
Opening it in iOS
Apple users have a different 'problem'. iOS does not allow you to save to SD memory, so the world has to be uploaded to dropbox first.
Then you must access the world as a zip file. This may be easiest by using another system. At this point, the procedure is the same.
Once you're finished editing it and changed the extention back to ".scworld", it must be resaved to dropbox so Survivalcraft can access it again.
Project file description
The file is arranged into two main sections with sub-sections inside them.
This holds most of the useful information.
Inside of "Subsystems" are the following entries. Some may not be present in your world and they may have different orders. Some sections may be very large if you have a lot of that particular item in your world.
- "PlayerStats"
- "Players"
- "TruthTableCircuitrBlockBehavior"
- "Spawn" (which may be HUGE)
- "Pickables"
- "MemoryBankBlockBehavior"
- "ExplosivesBlockBehavior"
- "WoodBlockBehavior"
- "Camera"
- "Weather"
- "SignBlockBehavior"
- "Projectiles"
- "MovingBlocks"
- "GameInfo"
- "FurnitureBlockBehavior"
- "Intro"
- "Electricity"
- "Gui"
- "SaplingBlockBehavior"
- "BlocksScanner"
- "RotBlockBehavior"
- "MagnetBlockBehavior"
- "TimeOfDay"
- "CollapsingBlockBehavior".
This section can be huge. It holds the individual information for each entity - that is each player, chest, crafting table, furnace, dispenser and every 'active' animal. These are not in any specific order but the parts for players will generally be first in this section.
The first line for each entity has a unique identifying number (GUID) and the name of the type of entity. The next lines depend on what that entry is. Some may be short and some are long.
Individual Entry Descriptions
Game Info
This is a sample (stripped down) Game Info entry:
"WorldName" = "Phoenix Federation" / "OriginalSerializationVersion" = "2.0" / "GameMode" = "Cruel" / "EnvironmentBehaviorMode" = "Living" / "TimeOfDayMode" = "Changing" / "AreSeasonsChanging" = "True" / "YearDays" = "24" / "TimeOfYear" = "0.125" / "AreWeatherEffectsEnabled" = "True" / "IsAdventureRespawnAllowed" = "True" / "AreAdventureSurvivalMechanicsEnabled" = "True" / "AreSupernaturalCreaturesEnabled" = "False" / "WorldSeedString" = "" / "TerrainGenerationMode" = "Continent" / "IslandSize" = "200,200" / "TerrainLevel" = "64" / "TerrainBlockIndex" = "8" / "TerrainOceanBlockIndex" = "18" / "TemperatureOffset" = "0" / "HumidityOffset" = "0" / "SeaLevelOffset" = "0" / "BiomeSize" = "1" / "BlockTextureName" Type = "PhF 2.1 plus.png.scbtex" / "Palette" "Colors" = ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" / "Names" Type = ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" / "WorldSeed" = "137277" / "TotalElapsedGameTime" = "6367149.0882766638" /
Many of these entries are set by the OPTIONS during normal world generation. Some may be changed afterward, depending on the current game mode.
Hacking Game Info
The following items are useful to edit:
- Game Mode: Put the game into the specified mode. (This is the only way to get out of Cruel mode.) The accepted modes are: Cruel, Challenging, Survival, Harmless, Creative and Adventure. Only these exact words will be accepted.
- YearDays: This changes the amount of days it takes for all 4 seasons to pass. Setting this value to negative will cause seasons to progress backwards. If it's set to 0, strange effects happen: a few seconds after loading the world, the TimeOfYear will be set to NaN, and the sky will turn black. The pause menu cannot be open, and once the player quits, the game will refuse to start the world again until the TimeOfYear is changed to a number.
- WorldSeedString: This is the string entered when the world was created. It will be blank if a random seed was used. You CAN use this string to create a new "identical" world (if it isn't blank).
- TerrainOceanBlockIndex: The ocean is made up of the block id specified here. Only works on flat worlds and the id must represent a valid block.
- TemperatureOffset and HumidityOffset: These represent the overall world's base settings. They reflect the values chosen when the world was created.
- SeaLevelOffset: This sets the level of water throughout the world. By editing this in a non-flat world, the water can be made to cover more of the land. In-game the ocean may be raised up to 16 blocks. By editing the xml, it can be raised further if you want a deeper ocean with much less land mass. It may even be edited to a negative number but this will often cause strange effects:
This can be avoided by editing the world before adding a player. (See below.)
- BiomeSize: Controls the relative sizes of the biomes. Normally between 1 and 3. If it's set to smaller values than 1, very small and strange terrain biomes are generated. This can be set to "Infinity" to create a single, huge biome. It can also be set to 0 but very strange effects will take place.

Setting biome size to 0 often results a world with mountains surrounded by enormous, thin, perfectly flat basalt walls.
- BlockTextureName: Shows the name of the texture pack chosen for this world.
- Palette: Used when the palette colors are different than the default ones.
- WorldSeed: This is internal seed created by the game, to identify this particular terrain generation. It is NOT the same as what is entered when creating a new world. You can NOT use this when creating a new world, hoping it will make the same one.
- TotalElapsedGameTime: displays the total play time in the game since it was first created.
Also, see below for more detailed "World Modifications" which can be made to this section.
Player Specific Sections
There are three sections devoted to information about the player(s). "PlayerStats" holds the details of what the player has done in the past. "Players" holds the system-related specifications for that player (see below). Player (entity) holds all the current data for the player, such as current location, hunger, inventory, etc.
Player Stats
Since 2.0, the game keeps track of more information about the characters (players). Most of these stats are shown on the pause screen. There is little point in modifying them since they represent past 'achievements'.
Here is a typical entry for this section:
"PlayerStats" "Stats" "1" "DistanceTravelled" = "153106.8052464803" "DistanceWalked" = "106555.81852962566" "DistanceFallen" = "44113.418842129344" "DistanceClimbed" = "0" "DistanceFlown" = "0" "DistanceSwam" = "43.043845433596289" "DistanceRidden" = "2394.508053181893" "LowestAltitude" = "3.9999997615814209" "HighestAltitude" = "112.225341796875" "DeepestDive" = "1.7996444702148438" "Jumps" = "14119" "BlocksDug" = "12762" "BlocksPlaced" = "3493" "BlocksInteracted" = "2391" "PlayerKills" = "0" "LandCreatureKills" = "282" "WaterCreatureKills" = "2" "AirCreatureKills" = "93" "MeleeAttacks" = "1163" "MeleeHits" = "1132" "RangedAttacks" = "177" "RangedHits" = "104" "HitsReceived" = "224" "StruckByLightning" = "1" "TotalHealthLost" = "28.515389336273074" "FoodItemsEaten" = "172" "TimesWasSick" = "0" "TimesHadFlu" = "0" "TimesPuked" = "0" "TimesWentToSleep" = "123" "TimeSlept" = "36491.68495955877" "ItemsCrafted" = "2765" "FurnitureItemsMade" = "0" "EasiestModeUsed" = "Challenging" "HighestLevel" = "20.736208" "DeathRecordsString" = "3.4306013577994112,306.019684,64.0674744,206.587173,mauled by a brown bear;"
This will show certain details for each player in the world. There will be an entry for each player.
Here is a typical entry for one player:
"Players" "NextPlayerIndex" Type="int" Value="2" "GlobalSpawnPosition" Type="Vector3" Value="-44.8986778,65.35824,18" "Players" "1" "SpawnPosition" = "466.25,64.1,-8.25" "FirstSpawnTime" = "0.016241099685430527" "LastSpawnTime" = "4462.9115594206378" "SpawnsCount" = "11" "Name" = "Explorer" "PlayerClass" = "Male" "Level" = "20.736208" "CharacterSkinName" = "Explorer.scskin" "InputDevice" = "None"
Player (Entity)
Here is a typical entry:
<Entities> "1" Guid="bef1b918-6418-41c9-a598-95e8ffd39ab3" Name="MalePlayer"> "Player"> "ConstantSpawn" = "False" "PlayerIndex" = "1" "Locomotion" "IsCreativeFlyEnabled" = "False" "Health" "Health" = "1" "Air" = "1" "Intro" "PlayIntro" = "False" "Sickness" "SicknessDuration" = "0" "Body"> "Position" = "340.25,54,236.20903" "Rotation" = "0,-0.342197448,0,0.939628065" "Velocity" = "0,0,5.20547039E-13" "Gui"> "KeyboardHelpMessageShown" = "False" "GamepadHelpMessageShown" = "False" "FurnitureInventory"> "FurnitureSet" = "" "Spawn"> "SpawnTime" = "4462.9115594206378" "Inventory"> "Slots"> "Slot0"> "Contents" = "38" "Count" = "1" "Slot1"> "Contents" = "36" "Count" = "1" "Slot2"> "Contents" = "3932197" "Count" = "1" "Slot3"> "Contents" = "31" "Count" = "39" "Slot4"> "Contents" = "67633343" "Count" = "1" . . . "Slot21"> "Contents" = "65709" "Count" = "23" "ActiveSlotIndex" = "5" "Flu"> "FluDuration" = "0" "FluOnset" = "0" "Clothing"> "Clothes"> "Head" = "" "Torso" = "" "Legs" = "" "Feet" = "" "Sleep"> "SleepStartTime" = "0" "AllowManualWakeUp" = "True" "CraftingTable"> "Slots" "VitalStats"> "Food" = "0.9906888" "Stamina" = "1" "Sleep" = "0.590762258" "Temperature" = "18.7428932" "Wetness" = "0" "Satiation"> "89" = "1.66374815" "OnFire"> "FireDuration" = "0" "CreativeInventory"> "ActiveSlotIndex" = "0" "CategoryIndex" = "0" "PageIndex" = "0" "Slots"
Useful Changes
- If you change the player's 'HEALTH' to "Infinity", you are essentially invincible and can fly high above the world or even underneath it and are not damaged. You cannot even 'suicide'. Health is normally from 0 (dead) to 1 (full health). This value is found in the Player (entity) section.
- You can set things like what is in the character's inventory and what clothing it is wearing. The section labelled "Inventory" has a total of 21 slots. This is because the first 6 (0-5) refer to the hotbar slots. There is a separate entry for the inventory seen when in creative mode, called "CreativeInventory". In this example it's empty. The personal crafting space has its own entry as well.
- You can enable flying even in non-creative modes by changing "IsCreativeFlyEnabled" to "True".
Memory Bank
This is an example code for the MemoryBankBlockBehavior section in a sample xml file:
"[b]MemoryBankBlockBehavior[/b]" "[b]Blocks[/b]" "3405,66,5002" = "FEDCBA9876543210;3" "3403,65,5004" = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F;0" "[b]Items[/b]"
That is the code for two banks placed and programmed with data.
What that code means:
"MemoryBankBlockBehavior" has two sub-heads - "Blocks" and "Items".
The "Blocks" heading lists every bank by a unique 'Name', which is actually their location. Each bank in this list has two values. The first value is the data in that bank. The second value is the data that is currently being output by the bank.
As you can see, the programmed data assumes all trailing data are '0's. The first bank was only programmed in the first row, so the remaining data are all '0's. The second bank was only programmed in the last cell so all leading data was fillled in as '0's. The first bank has a battery connected to the AddressLow input which is supplying a steady voltage value of 'C' to the input. This causes the bank to output a '3' as indicated. The second bank has nothing connected to the address inputs and accordingly is outputting a '0'.
The "Items" heading works similar to the "Blocks" heading but with one small difference: every unique 'Name' associated with item's data.
Note that this is NOT the block data for the memory bank so does not include the bank's orientation or connections. That information is inside the chunks file.
This means that it is possible to program every bank in a world, and set its current state outside of the game itself.
Truth Table
The xml code for a truth table entry is:
"[b]TruthTableCircuitBlockBehavior[/b]" "[b]Blocks[/b]" "3407,66,4999" = "0F0000000000000F" "[b]Items[/b]"
The structure is the same as for the Memory Bank. It has two sub-headings, "Blocks" and "Items". Each table listed in the block section is also identified by its location. There is only a single value for each table and this tells how it is programmed. Each digit in the string represents one checkbox in the table's interface. The left-most digit is the top box, etc. Where the box is checked, an 'F' is present in the file.
This shows that through the xml file, we can do something that cannot be done 'normally', however! Each input and the output are normally assumed to be binary (digital). But, the above data shows that the output may be treated as a hexadecimal (analog) value. Rather than outputting an 'F' (digital '1') the table can actually output ANY hex value. This feature gives us more flexibility in the Truth Table although it can only be utilized via editing the xml file. And it has been verified to work.
There are two general entries for furniture use. The first is for each furniture design and the second is for furniture packs.
This is an example basic entry for a furniture design:
Name = "4" Name = "Stone light" TerrainUseCount = "71" Resolution = "15" InteractionMode = "None" Values = "1582*0,1*26,14*0,1*79903,14*0,1*26,14*0,1*26,14*0,1*26,1732*0,"
There are 6 fields in this entry:
- The first Name is the internal reference to this particular furniture design. The game assigns this unique number to each design.
- The second Name is what the player named this design.
- The third field, "TerrainUseCount" keeps track of how many times this design is used in the world. If it is '0' and the design is not included in a furniture pack, it will be deleted by the game.
- The fourth field records the resolution, or initial size of the design. This can be from 2 to 16.
- The fifth field, "InteractionMode" tells the system what 'type' of furniture this piece is. The valid values are: "None", "ElectricButton", "ElectricSwitch", "Interactive" and "Connected".
- The last field holds the actual design parameters of this piece. It calls out the BlockID and the amount of those blocks, using a defined starting point and pattern. The first entry in the above example is "1582*0" and tells there are 1582 blocks of air ('0') before the first non-air block is found.
If the design is a switch, interactive or connected type, there will be an additional field:
"LinkedDesign" = "56" />
This is how each different design for a changing piece is defined and it creates a "linked list". The value specifies the next design in this list and refers to the first 'Name' in the entry (the number). For a toggle switch, there will only be two designs in the list. For others, there may be up to 9 different designs. See below, "Infinite State Blocks".
Hacking Furniture
- Unsuitable Blocks
There are several blocks that are not acceptable in normal furniture creation, such as dirt, leaves and trees (wood). By editing the furniture in the xml, these blocks can be incorporated into a furniture design. Many of these unsuitables will not turn out as expected. In particular, any items with a 3-D model or ones that are 'activated' blocks, such as grass (not dirt) or furnace may not work well.
The easiest way is to create the design you want, using a unique block where you want the unsuitable block to be. Use a block which you know the block ID of, and which is not used anywhere else in the design. Then edit the xml to find that furniture design. Within the design, locate the place(s) where the unique block is and simply replace its ID with the ID of the unsuitable block.
- Infinite-State Blocks
Interactive blocks have several states. As described above, these states form a 'linked list'. The limit of 9 states is a block is imposed by the crafting table, not by the furniture itself since linked lists have no inherent limit. In a linked list, each state has a pointer to the next state. The 'final' state simply points back to the first state, so a circle is formed. By editing the list pointers, we can do several things not possible in-game. These are all accomplished by simply changing the "LinkedDesign" pointers.
- The list can be extended to any length desired.
- The piece does not have to repeat - it can be made to 'freeze' in one specified state, by specifying the LinkedDesign as the current state.
- The piece can go through some states only once and then repeat in a pattern which doesn't include those states. This includes the possibility of one piece 'morphing' into another. Instead of the last state linking to the first, it can link to any one along the chain.
- Using the above idea, two apparently different pieces can 'morph' into the same one.
Furniture Packs
Here is a sample entry for a furniture pack (set):
Name = "0" Name = "Hexkeys" ImportedFrom = "Hexkeys.scfpack" Indices = "0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15"
As in furniture pieces, the first "Name" is assigned by the game. The second "Name" is the name given by the creator of the pack. This third field, "ImportedFrom" defines the file this pack was saved as. It will not be included if the pack was created in the current world. The last field, "Indices" specifies which individual pieces are included in this furniture pack.
Hacking Furniture Packs
There isn't much to do with the packs other than manually add or delete pieces from them, or rearrange the order the pieces are displayed in.
To add pieces to the pack you need to know the internal number of the item you want to add. See the section on furniture pieces. This will show you how to find the number of the piece. Once you have those numbers just add them in the "Indices" list like it shows above.
To delete pieces, simply delete the proper piece number from the list (and one semicolon before or after it).
Rearranging the displayed order is probably the most useful hack. If you have a multi-piece furniture design it can be quite helpful to have the separate pieces displayed in a particular order to make it easier to assemble them correctly. You first need to set the order you want them in. Then find the internal number for each of those pieces. Finally fill in the "Indices" list with them in the order you need them.
A particular piece can't be in several packs at the same time. If you hack 'Indices' in such a way that the ID of some furniture appears in two different sets of furniture, then these furniture designs will remain only in the last set from the 'FurnitureSets' list where they are mentioned.
One piece can't be in the same pack multiple times. All identical IDs in 'Indices', except the first, will be deleted.
Moving Blocks
This section is meant as support for falling blocks and it keeps track of blocks being moved by pistons. Moving blocks are defined in sets since there is often more than a single block moving together.
This is a sample (stripped-down) entry:
MovingBlocks MovingBlockSets Name="0"> "Position" = "128,69,941" /> "TargetPosition" = "128,-2,941" /> "Speed" = "2.0" /> "Acceleration" = "10" /> "Drag" = "0.7" /> "Id" = "CollapsingBlock" /> "Blocks" = "7,0,0,0" />
This is an example entry for a single falling block of sand.
- Position is the current location of the 'reference block' for the group.
- TargetPosition is the final position when motion will stop. For all falling blocks this is set to -2. For blocks being moved by pistons, this is determined by the setting and location of the piston.
- Speed is the group's current speed of movement.
- Acceleration is set to "10" for falling groups and "0" for piston groups.
- Drag is non-zero in this example. This particular block is falling while up against a wall, causing the drag.
- Smoothness is present in piston-based groups and is a 2-valued vector.
- Id indicates the type of group this is. So far, the only known acceptable values are "CollapsingBlock" and "Piston".
- A "Tag" entry is present in piston-based groups and defines the position of the piston block for this group.
- The "Blocks" entry lists the blocks that make up this group. Each block has a 4-valued entry where the first value is the block ID and the rest are its location relative to the 'reference block'. One block will always have "n,0,0,0" showing it's the reference block.
In piston groups the blocks field includes the moving parts of the piston as well. The 'face' of the piston is the reference point. Each extended (full and partial) block of the plunger is also included. Thus a piston's moving group may consist of up to 16 blocks.
This is a sample piston entry:
MovingBlocks MovingBlockSets Name="0" "Position" = "18,65,112" "TargetPosition" = "20,65,112" "Speed" = "5" "Acceleration" = "0" "Drag" = "0" "Smoothness" = "0,0,5" "Id" = "Piston" "Tag" = "15,65,112" "Blocks" = "524526,0,0,0;590062,-1,0,0;590062,-2,0,0;12,1,0,0;12,2,0,0;12,3,0,0"
Note the several entries for locations. There are 3 direct locations - those for the current position, the end position and one for the physical piston. For normal piston sets, they will all be in a straight line and the current position will be between the other two. In the case above, the piston is at 15,65,112 and the set stops at 20,65,112. This means that this set will extend 5 blocks. At the moment this was saved, the reference block (head) was extended a full 3 blocks.
The list in "Blocks" will also be in a straight line in the same orientation as the locations. In this section, 524526 is the full block ID of the proper piston head block, which is the reference, at 0,0,0. The two shaft blocks are included at -1,0,0 and -2,0,0. Finally the 3 blocks of planks follow in the 1,0,0 2,0,0 and 3,0,0 positions. You can get the instantaneous location of each block by adding these vectors to the current world location.
Hacking 'Moving Blocks'
Thanks to @Lion, from the russian SC community, for discovering the unique things we can do by modifying this section.
You can (theoretically) make a huge, complex building move across the ground or blocks that shoot up into the sky and go on forever. Or make a 'levitation' path that can hold the character above ground without any visible indication of its presence. First it is necessary to explore and define certain characteristics of freely moving blocks and piston-driven groups.
HOWEVER, it must be noted that all these changes are NOT permanent. They only work as long as you do not move beyond sight distance of the contraption. If you do, then all blocks are made to normal blocks and removed from the moving blocks section in the project file.
Several characteristics of the piston group are crucial to these hacks.
- While the group is "moving" (whether or not it currently is in motion) the blocks are NOT included in the blocks file because they are not stationary and are only defined in this section.
- This means they are invincible - they cannot be acted on in any way. You cannot even place a block against them. Explosions will not affect them.
- The TAG entry is meant to reference the location of the piston for the group. These hacks take advantage of the unexpected behavior of groups without a piston in the TAG position.
- If a piston is not present at that location, a moving group will pass right through normal blocks. Another moving group in the way WILL however pause this movement.
- If a piston is later placed or moved into the TAG position, the group will 'attach' itself to the piston and begin behaving normally.
- A block ID of '0' may be used for blocks in the group. This creates an 'imaginary' block which will still stop movement of another group but has no other physical effect.
- As is normal for piston group behavior, one moving group will stop another until the first one is no longer in the way. Then the second group will continue its motion.
- A moving group will pull the character that is standing on top of it along with it even if the group is paused (by another group). This applies to animals as well but not to blocks or debris. In most 'normal' cases this is so small an effect that it is not noticeable. However if the speed is set quite high (1000) then it will pull the character along its movement direction quite fast. This feature is used to creat the "slideway" and "levitation" hacks.
When blocking one group with another it may be helpful to place the stationary group (or block) so that it is in the path of the reference block of the 'moving' group.
HACK 1: Create moving constructions that don't have pistons.
Create a structure of "any" size and shape in a single group. Leave the Tag location with NO piston. Set the TargetPosition field to its final destination. It will immediately begin moving when the game is started and not stop until it reaches that location, even passing through solid blocks!
You may wish to use HACK 3 to have it start "on command". The same hack can be used to have it pause at specified 'stopovers'.
HACK 2: Create untouchable blocks.
Create a group of blocks not tagged to a piston. Set their speed to '0' so they do not move. These blocks cannot be built upon or moved by the player, even using pistons. The character cannot move through them or affect them with any tools. "Better than bedrock!"
- This hack may be used to start and stop other moving groups. One of these untouchable blocks is put in the way of another (hacked) moving group. The group does not pass through this block so is paused. The SPEED of the paused group does not change while it is paused. Then a piston is put into the untouchable blocks's TAG location, which changes it into a 'normal' block. The hacked group will then pass through this normal block and begin its movement. To stop the moving group, just have another untouchable block in its way where you want it to stop.
HACK 3: Create an automated personnel "slideway".
- Create a moving group shaped like a long ribbon on the ground. Set "TargetPosition" to a location well beyond its terminal end. Set "Speed" to a high value such as 1000. Make sure there is no piston at the "Tag" location.
- Create another group (or just 1 block) in the way of the first group to make it pause. This second group has a "Speed" of '0'and could use ID0 'blocks'. Make sure there is no piston at the "Tag" location. The second group permanently prevents the first group, the ribbon, from actually moving.
Here's an example slideway:
"0" "Position" = "-179,20,-109" "TargetPosition" = "-179,20,-1000" "Speed" = "100" "Acceleration" = "0" "Drag" = "0" "Smoothness" = "0,0.5" "Id" = "Piston" "Tag" = "-170,15,-152" "Blocks" = "147459,0,0,0;147459,1,0,0;147459,2,0,0;147459,0,0,1;147459,1,0,1;147459,2,0,1;147459,0,0,2;147459,1,0,2;147459,2,0,2;147459,0,0,3;147459,1,0,3;147459,2,0,3;147459,0,0,4;147459,1,0,4;147459,2,0,4;147459,0,0,5;147459,1,0,5;147459,2,0,5;147459,0,0,6;147459,1,0,6;147459,2,0,6;147459,0,0,7;147459,1,0,7;147459,2,0,7;147459,0,0,8;147459,1,0,8;147459,2,0,8;147459,0,0,9;147459,1,0,9;147459,2,0,9;147459,0,0,10;147459,1,0,10;147459,2,0,10;147459,0,0,11;147459,1,0,11;147459,2,0,11;147459,0,0,12;147459,1,0,12;147459,2,0,12;147459,0,0,13;147459,1,0,13;147459,2,0,13;147459,0,0,14;147459,1,0,14;147459,2,0,14;147459,0,0,15;147459,1,0,15;147459,2,0,15;147459,0,0,16;147459,1,0,16;147459,2,0,16;" "1" "Position" = "-178,20,-110" "TargetPosition" = "-179,20,-1000" "Speed" = "0" "Acceleration" = "0" "Drag" = "0" "Smoothness" = "0,0.5" "Id" = "Piston" "Tag" = "-170,15,-148" "Blocks" = "4,0,0,0;"
The first group is the 'slideway' surface. The second group (block) pauses the motion of the first group.
HACK 4: Create a levitating or magnetic surface.
This is similar to the slideway hack but instead of a fast movement in a horizontal direction this creates a movement upwards and uses the 'untouchable blocks'. When the character jumps into one of these blocks the upwards movement will compensate for gravity and hold him in place. He can still move back and forth. To leave the levitation field you just move out from 'under' it.
- Create a flat surface of your deisred shape, using any block ID. Set the "Speed" to 4.5. (This compensates for gravity's effect. Set "TargetPosition" to something well above the height of this surface. Make sure there is no piston at the "Tag" location.
- Create another group (or just 1 block) in the way of the first group to make it pause. This second group has a "Speed" of '0'and could use ID0 'blocks'. The second group permanently prevents the first group, the ribbon, from actually moving. Make sure there is no piston at the "Tag" location.
Here's an example levitating strip:
"9" "Position" = "-165,10,-169" "TargetPosition" = "-165,100,-169" "Speed" = "4.5" "Acceleration" = "0" "Drag" = "0" "Smoothness" = "0,0.5" "Id" = "Piston" "Tag" Type= "Point3" Value= "-161,10,-164" "Blocks" = "23,0,0,0;23,1,0,0;23,2,0,0;23,3,0,0;23,4,0,0;23,5,0,0;23,6,0,0;23,7,0,0;23,8,0,0;23,9,0,0;23,10,0,0;23,11,0,0;23,12,0,0;23,0,0,1;23,1,0,1;23,2,0,1;23,3,0,1;23,4,0,1;23,5,0,1;23,6,0,1;23,7,0,1;23,8,0,1;23,9,0,1;23,10,0,1;23,11,0,1;23,12,0,1;" "11" "Position" = "-165,11,-169" "TargetPosition" = "-141,100,-153" "Speed" = "0" "Acceleration" = "0" "Drag" = "0" "Smoothness" = "0,0.5" "Id" = "Piston" "Tag" Type= "Point3" Value= "-155,10,-164" "Blocks" = "0,0,0,0;"
The first group is the 'levitating' surface. The second group (block) pauses the motion of the first group.
<Values Name="Weather"> <Value Name="WeatherStartTime" Type="double" Value="31195.27074897592" /> <Value Name="WeatherEndTime" Type="double" Value="31383.926867786096" /> <Value Name="LightningIntensity" Type="float" Value="0.9715154" />
'LightningIntensity' can be 0 to 1.
Here's a typical sign entry:
( <Values Name="SignBlockBehavior"> <Values Name="Texts">) --- SIGN ENTRY: --- <Values Name="0"> <Value Name="Point" Type="Point3" Value="11,66,-20" /> <Value Name="Line1" Type="string" Value="blue" /> <Value Name="Line2" Type="string" Value="white" /> <Value Name="Color1" Type="Color" Value="0,0,96" /> <Value Name="Color2" Type="Color" Value="180,180,180" /> <Value Name="Url" Type="string" Value="http:blome" /> </Values> </Values> </Values>
The first line has the unique identified the game assigns to each sign. The next line ("Point") is the location of the sign in the world coordinates.
Next, each line of text is listed after "Line1", "Line2", etc. The colors of each line are listed similarly. "Color1" is the color of the text in Line1, etc.
The line "Url" holds the web address the sign will open if tapped in adventure mode. (See Sign.)
Longer text lines
You can force longer lines for the signs but this only works when they "speak" (activated by electricity).
Simply add more text in the entries named "line1", etc. Each line still displays as a single line so you need to take that and your screen size into consideration. Also, the text is still only diplayed for the standard amount of time so if the lines are too long, the user might not have enough time to read it all. The "physical" sign will still only show the first 16 characters and they will be squished to the left of the sign, with empty space on the right. If the sign is later edited in-game, each line is cut down to only the first 16 characters.
Custom text colors
You can make the color of the text to be any color you choose.
The three values in the 'color' fields specify an "xna frameworks" color. This is a standard way to define colors and is used throughout the internet. Each number can be from 0 to 255. The first one is the amount of red in the final color. The second is the amount of green, and the third is blue.
You can reference a standard color chart to find the color and value you wish.
Here is a part of a typical entities section:
<Entity Id="2" Guid="c7dfa822-ba6e-4f3f-905c-0241823edf15" Name="Ray_Brown"> <Values Name="Locomotion"> <Value Name="IsCreativeFlyEnabled" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Creature"> <Value Name="ConstantSpawn" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Spawn"> <Value Name="SpawnTime" Type="double" Value="362.393716359511" /> </Values> <Values Name="Loot"> <Value Name="LootDropped" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Body"> <Value Name="Position" Type="Vector3" Value="406.512665,62.4463348,56.9966545" /> <Value Name="Rotation" Type="Quaternion" Value="0,0.436656624,0,0.8996283" /> <Value Name="Velocity" Type="Vector3" Value="-0.639416754,-0.09736531,-0.496444345" /> </Values> <Values Name="Health"> <Value Name="Health" Type="float" Value="1" /> <Value Name="Air" Type="float" Value="1" /> </Values> <Values Name="OnFire"> <Value Name="FireDuration" Type="float" Value="0" /> </Values> </Entity> <Entity Id="3" Guid="f00144f5-ede0-461c-96f9-2206babbbf06" Name="Bison"> <Values Name="Creature"> <Value Name="ConstantSpawn" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Locomotion"> <Value Name="IsCreativeFlyEnabled" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Loot"> <Value Name="LootDropped" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Body"> <Value Name="Position" Type="Vector3" Value="403.7786,63.76605,85.55463" /> <Value Name="Rotation" Type="Quaternion" Value="0.000128486674,0.9976713,-0.0018801156,0.0681806356" /> <Value Name="Velocity" Type="Vector3" Value="-0.0159330163,0.0493074059,0.188022658" /> </Values> <Values Name="OnFire"> <Value Name="FireDuration" Type="float" Value="0" /> </Values> <Values Name="Health"> <Value Name="Health" Type="float" Value="1" /> <Value Name="Air" Type="float" Value="1" /> </Values> <Values Name="Spawn"> <Value Name="SpawnTime" Type="double" Value="358.38871435076" /> </Values> </Entity> <Entity Id="4" Guid="60dc514b-2b8e-40a7-9bc3-09bb1efe0732" Name="Raven"> <Values Name="Locomotion"> <Value Name="IsCreativeFlyEnabled" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Creature"> <Value Name="ConstantSpawn" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="OnFire"> <Value Name="FireDuration" Type="float" Value="0" /> </Values> <Values Name="Body"> <Value Name="Position" Type="Vector3" Value="439.135132,73.6557846,101.548668" /> <Value Name="Rotation" Type="Quaternion" Value="0,0.667251945,0,0.7448321" /> <Value Name="Velocity" Type="Vector3" Value="-3.11229944,0.991040468,-0.7202861" /> </Values> <Values Name="Loot"> <Value Name="LootDropped" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Health"> <Value Name="Health" Type="float" Value="1" /> <Value Name="Air" Type="float" Value="1" /> </Values> <Values Name="Spawn"> <Value Name="SpawnTime" Type="double" Value="354.37284226063639" /> </Values> </Entity> <Entity Id="5" Guid="abf17893-e4d4-4638-943d-50a545761ecc" Name="Piranha"> <Values Name="Creature"> <Value Name="ConstantSpawn" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Locomotion"> <Value Name="IsCreativeFlyEnabled" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Spawn"> <Value Name="SpawnTime" Type="double" Value="362.393716359511" /> </Values> <Values Name="Loot"> <Value Name="LootDropped" Type="bool" Value="False" /> </Values> <Values Name="Health"> <Value Name="Health" Type="float" Value="1" /> <Value Name="Air" Type="float" Value="1" /> </Values> <Values Name="Body"> <Value Name="Position" Type="Vector3" Value="366.109283,62.91997,73.52771" /> <Value Name="Rotation" Type="Quaternion" Value="0,0.8390603,0,0.5440384" /> <Value Name="Velocity" Type="Vector3" Value="-0.9491566,0.08113135,0.3140725" /> </Values> <Values Name="OnFire"> <Value Name="FireDuration" Type="float" Value="0" /> </Values> </Entity>
This particular section has entries for 4 entities - a Brown Ray, a Bison, a Raven and a Piranha.
Entities mods
This is a list of things that can be done by editing entity section;
-teleport player/animals (by editing position) including in the Far Lands.

I have been in the SurvivalCraft Far Lands, where no one has gone before, until now. Made by project file hacking.
-make player/animals immortal (by editing health in vital stats)
-make animals fly in creative (by enabling creative flying mode)

Flying Reindeer
-spawn rare animals by putting in their data:
White Tiger:
"6effc493-b96a-4168-8855-9f3dd2f1af85" Name="Tiger_White">
White Bull:
"eaef1318-a143-4013-9354-bbe37a611285" Name="Bull_White">
"78605a8d-e335-49b4-867d-5b4555e02fd4" Name="Orca">
"2260c463-4dfd-4395-aa25-28ba876ed391" Name="Beluga">
-despawn animals. They just disappear, like dead animals do. (by adding DespawnTime value)

Despawning black horse
- With "DespawnTime" you can also make the player invisible, by changing the value to some very high number (Not tested on other entities, It will probably just despawn)
-bring animals from the dead. Only works when the body still exists. (by modifying health and removing deathtime, despawntime and deathcause)
-make indestructable boat (by editing hitpoint of the boat) - With this, you can travel in magma! Sadly the heat will kill you.
-riding any animal (while riding any rideable animal, save the game and replace the rideable animal to any of you want or add ParentBody value)

I'm riding a Zebra

We Bare Bears in SurvivalCraft
-If you type in coordinates in the magnet behavior, you can get an invisible magnet at that location.
World modification
Most of the entries in the project file are related to things inside the world but some entries are about the world itself.
Flatten portions of the world
You can have a world with only certain areas modified to “Flat”. These areas could be at any level you wish, except 255 and more. The rest of the world may be generated normally with common terrain features.
How it works:
The game has a terrain generator that creates the untouched world without saving any parts of it. But once any block is added, broken or changed by the player, it no longer can use the generator and the chunk that the block was in must be saved as it is. The saved chunks are in the chunks32.dat file. (We will not modify that file, here.)
The terrain generator can be affected by some settings in the project file. These changes do not affect the chunks already stored in the chunks file, only ones that were never modified.
This procedure will "lock in" only certain chunks (by modifying them) but let other chunks change according to the new settings. Then those chunks may be "locked in" at the new settings.
The Process
- create a random or seeded world
- mark any chunks you wish to keep as normal terrain (place or remove any block in that chunk)
- exit the world and save it to SD
- open that world’s xml file
- change terrain type to "Flat"
- set new terrain level
- set terrain block type as wanted
- save the xml file
- load the world into SC and open it
- mark all chunks to keep at that new level
- exit the world and save it to SD
- open that world’s xml file
- change back to Normal terrain and level 64
- save the xml file
- load the world into SC and open it
You now have a ‘normal’ world with deep pits or high towers of flat terrain. You can repeat this process for any other levels you wish, higher or lower than normal. These will be flat with the terrain block specified.
Worlds without people
Some changes are affected by whether a chunk has been 'spawned' already or not. You can avoid this in new worlds by creating a world without a player character in it. Such a world cannot be opened normally but it can be saved and edited. There will be no sections for player info so you can't hack anything in there. But there is also no "Spawn" / "Chunks" section and so is an untouched, pristine world.
Doing so is simple. Create your new world as you want it set up and enter the "SETUP PLAYER" screen but tap the BACK arrow instead of OK. The world may be saved and edited as any other.
Other World mods
If you start with a “Flat” world, you could change it to Normal to generate terrain but it always generates infinite ocean with islands, even if you don’t modify it before making it “Normal”. As long as terrain generation is “Normal”, the terrain level doesn’t seem to matter.
Obtaining items and blocks that are missing in the creative inventory
The developer wrote that blocks in chunks are written as follows:
- Bits 0 to 9 (10 bits): Block ID
- Bits 10 to 13 (4 bits): Block light value (0 – complete darkness, 15 – full sunlight)
- Bits 14 to 31 (18 bits): Block-specific data determining state of the block, such as door state, water level, torch location etc.
You've probably noticed that wherever there is an item, there is a long integer. If you open the Windows calculator, click View, Programmer, paste in such a value and convert it to binary, you will notice that items are encoded exactly like blocks in chunks, but their light value = 0. This allows us to get any item in the game. The source code of the game (examine the source code of Survivalcraft.exe with the dnSpy program) contains all the possible block data.
I propose to supplement this list as follows: ID, subroutines to set data, interesting values.
- 77 - Raw Bird, stale - 262221
- 78 - Cooked Bird, stale - 262222
- 88 - Raw Meat, stale - 262232
- 89 - Cooked Meat, stale - 262233
- 110 - Milk, stale - 262254
- 118 - Eggs
Value | Description |
12058742 | Orca Spawner |
12320886 | Beluga Spawner |
1572982 | White Bull Spawner |
6291574 | White Tiger Spawner |
32886 | Laid Seagull Egg |
295030 | Laid Duck Egg |
557174 | Laid Raven Egg |
8421494 | Laid Cassowary Egg |
8683638 | Laid Ostrich Egg |
1073774710 | Stale Laid Seagull Egg |
1073741942 | Stale Seagull Egg |
1073758326 | Stale Cooked Seagull Egg |
1074036854 | Stale Laid Duck Egg |
1074004086 | Stale Duck Egg |
1074020470 | Stale Cooked Duck Egg |
1074298998 | Stale Laid Raven Egg |
1074266230 | Stale Raven Egg |
1074282614 | Stale Cooked Raven Egg |
1082163318 | Stale Laid Cassowary Egg |
1082130550 | Stale Cassowary Egg |
1082146934 | Stale Cooked Cassowary Egg |
1082425462 | Stale Laid Ostrich Egg |
1082392694 | Stale Ostrich Egg |
1082409078 | Stale Cooked Ostrich Egg |
- 131 - Pumpkin
Value | Description |
114819 | Size: 0 Unripe Pumpkin |
376963 | Stale Size: 0 Unripe Pumpkin |
245891 | Dead Size: 0 Unripe Pumpkin |
508035 | Dead Stale Size: 0 Unripe Pumpkin |
98435 | Size: 1 Unripe Pumpkin |
360579 | Stale Size: 1 Unripe Pumpkin |
229507 | Dead Size: 1 Unripe Pumpkin |
491651 | Dead Stale Size: 1 Unripe Pumpkin |
82051 | Size: 2 Unripe Pumpkin |
344195 | Stale Size: 2 Unripe Pumpkin |
213123 | Dead Size: 2 Unripe Pumpkin |
475267 | Dead Stale Size: 2 Unripe Pumpkin |
65667 | Size: 3 Unripe Pumpkin |
327811 | Stale Size: 3 Unripe Pumpkin |
196739 | Dead Size: 3 Unripe Pumpkin |
458883 | Dead Stale Size: 3 Unripe Pumpkin |
49283 | Size: 4 Unripe Pumpkin |
311427 | Stale Size: 4 Unripe Pumpkin |
180355 | Dead Size: 4 Unripe Pumpkin |
442499 | Dead Stale Size: 4 Unripe Pumpkin |
32899 | Size: 5 Unripe Pumpkin |
295043 | Stale Size: 5 Unripe Pumpkin |
163971 | Dead Size: 5 Unripe Pumpkin |
426115 | Dead Stale Size: 5 Unripe Pumpkin |
16515 | Size: 6 Unripe Pumpkin |
278659 | Stale Size: 6 Unripe Pumpkin |
147587 | Dead Size: 6 Unripe Pumpkin |
409731 | Dead Stale Size: 6 Unripe Pumpkin |
131 | Size: 7 Pumpkin |
262275 | Stale Size: 7 Pumpkin |
131203 | Dead Size: 7 Pumpkin |
393347 | Dead Stale Size: 7 Pumpkin |
- 161 - Raw Fish, stale - 262305
- 162 - Cooked Fish, stale - 262306
- 168 - Soil
Value | Description |
168 | Nitrogen: 0 Soil |
16552 | Nitrogen: 0 Moist Soil |
32936 | Nitrogen: 1 Compost |
49320 | Nitrogen: 1 Moist Compost |
65704 | Nitrogen: 2 Compost |
82088 | Nitrogen: 2 Moist Compost |
98472 | Nitrogen: 3 Compost |
114856 | Nitrogen: 3 Moist Compost |
- 174 - Rye
Value | Description |
174 | Size: 0 Rye |
131246 | Size: 0 Wild Rye |
16558 | Size: 1 Rye |
147630 | Size: 1 Wild Rye |
32942 | Size: 2 Rye |
164014 | Size: 2 Wild Rye |
49326 | Size: 3 Rye |
180398 | Size: 3 Wild Rye |
65710 | Size: 4 Rye |
196782 | Size: 4 Wild Rye |
82094 | Size: 5 Rye |
213166 | Size: 5 Wild Rye |
98478 | Size: 6 Rye |
229550 | Size: 6 Wild Rye |
114862 | Size: 7 Rye |
245934 | Size: 7 Wild Rye |
Value | Description |
204 | Size: 0 Cotton |
131276 | Size: 0 Wild Cotton |
16588 | Size: 1 Cotton |
147660 | Size: 1 Wild Cotton |
32972 | Size: 2 Cotton |
164044 | Size: 2 Wild Cotton |
- 239 - Rotten Bird, stale - 262383
- 240 - Rotten Meat, stale - 262384
- 241 - Rotten Fish, stale - 262385
- 242 - Moldy Bread, stale - 262386
- 244 - Rotten Pumpkin
Value | Description |
114932 | Size: 0 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
246004 | Dead Size: 0 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
98548 | Size: 1 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
229620 | Dead Size: 1 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
82164 | Size: 2 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
213236 | Dead Size: 2 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
65780 | Size: 3 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
196852 | Dead Size: 3 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
49396 | Size: 4 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
180468 | Dead Size: 4 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
33012 | Size: 5 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
164084 | Dead Size: 5 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
16628 | Size: 6 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
147700 | Dead Size: 6 Rotten Unripe Pumpkin |
244 | Size: 7 Rotten Pumpkin |
131316 | Dead Size: 7 Rotten Pumpkin |
- 251 - Pumpkin Soup, stale - 262395