SurvivalCraft Wiki
SurvivalCraft Wiki

Description (From Recipaedia)

The Grass trap is a deception device that resembles grass but disintegrates when something heavy stands on it. It's used for concealing traps so that an animal, unwary of the trap will walk on it and fall into the pit. It can only be crafted from oak leaves, no other leaves will work. When placed, grass traps will turn the color of the surrounding grass.


Requires 3 Oak Leaves and 3 Sticks. You get 6 Grass Traps.

Craft a grass trap


Grass traps can be used for trapping. To create a grasspit trap, a large hole must be dug. Spiked planks can be placed at the bottom if wanted. Animals will fall into this pit, getting trapped. The hunter can then come and kill his catch, if the spiked planks haven't already done so. The hunter must collect his meat quickly, as it will disappear after a while.


  • Grass traps can also spawn randomly in your world. For more information see Traps on Generated Structures.
  • In a world, sometimes tall grass will spawn on top of the grass traps, further concealing them.

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