SurvivalCraft Wiki
SurvivalCraft Wiki

Description (From Bestiary)

"Bottom-dwelling fish, lives both in salt and freshwater. Will often bury itself in the mud at the bottom with only the head sticking out. Not aggressive, does not have poisonous sting, unlike the Yellow Stingray. Delicious to eat."


Rays(Binomial Name: Hemitrygon fluviorum) are underwater animals. The Brown Ray is brown in color.

As of current, you are unable to feed the rays, and they drop 1 Raw Fish when killed.

Rays are hostile, especially when you step on them. They have the ability to dig into the bottom of the lakes, making them almost invisible:

Brown hidden

Apperance Biome

Brown Rays are found in muddy lakes


Rays can be hunted for fish, so they are a food source. The only downside is that they are hard to see when the dig into the lake beds.

Brown Ray can be spawned in Creative Gamemode using a Spawner Egg.

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