General Attributes
Is Stackable: How many can you carry in inventory?
note that some items may stack differently when in the hotbar.
Is Flammable: Can this block catch fire? Yes or No
Fuel Value: How much fuel does the block provide for the furnace ? Leave blank if not flammable.
Is Edible: Can you eat it? Yes or No
Food Type: What kind of food is it? Leave blank if inedible.
Nutritional Value: How many food points does it provide upon consumption? Leave blank if inedible.
Emitted Light: How much light the block emits. Leave blank if 0.
Sleep Suitability: Can you sleep on this block? Decimal value from 0 [cannot] to 1 [can]. Only valid for placeable blocks.
Fire Duration: How long will the item burn outside of a furnace? Leave blank if not flammable.
Light Attenuation: How much the block attenuates the light that passes through it.
Explosive Power: Power of explosion provided by block. Leave blank if 0.
Explostion Resilience: Resilience of the block to be destroye by explosives.
Projectile Resilience: Resilience of block when struck by projectiles.
Density: Used to determine buoyance. An item with a density less than 1 will float. Item with density greater than 1 will sink.
Is Fluid Blocker: When placed, does it block the flow of water?
Projectile Stick Probability: Decimal value between 0 and 1. Defines the probability for a spear or arrow to stick in the block.
Tool-Related Attributes
Digging Method: What tool is needed to break the block? This applies primarily to adventure mode.
Required Tool Level: Minimal level of tool needed to break the block. 0 means you can acquire by hand.
Digging Resilience: Resilence of the block to be dug.
Impact on Tool longevity: Indicates which impact the block has on the tool or weapon lonegivity when used on it. This lets tougher blocks wear out tools faster.